Services for the school

Aimed at management teams, teachers, and parents associations of schools.

The offer for the school is based on PRESME’s extensive experience in the field of learning, in working with children with learning difficulties and with their families, and in collaboration with primary, secondary and special schools. It consists in:

  • Training in schools in issues related to: the emotional, social and cognitive evolution of children, the prevention of school failure, the understanding of learning difficulties and / or adaptation to school.
  • Assessment and intervention in the attention to diversity in relation to:
    • Matters related to the organization and institutional dynamics (organization of the department of psycho-pedagogical care, proposals for materials, institutional dynamics, relationship with families …)
    • Individual cases (psycho-pedagogical diagnoses, case assessment, elaboration of specific curricular proposals or Individualized Plans)
  • Conferences, talks, workshops and meetings with families and / or teachers. The objective is to promote family-school relations, parents’ effectiveness in raising their children and to disseminate notions related to the intellectual and emotional development of children
  • Psychopedagogical support service. It is a free service offered to boys and girls selected by the center, who present adaptation and learning difficulties. Its objective is to offer psycho-pedagogical attention, individually or in small groups, adapted to the level of competencies and emotional needs of each student

These activities can be of interest to both families and teachers. A conference example:

  • “What is going on with teenagers? What worries us as parents?”
  • “Transgression, authority and limits”
  • “Sexuality: how to approach it with our children”
  • “Communicating with teenagers”
  • “How to accompany our children in the choice of studies”